Chapter 5
Programming concepts and logics
A program is a set of sequenced instructions
which commands the computer to perform a particular operation or a special
task. It is written in a programming language which is then translated into
machine code by a language processor so that the computer can execute its
The thorough understanding regarding the
entire process of the development of programs is called programming concept. It
includes the overall understanding and applications of different computer
programming languages, compiler, interpreter, control structures, program
design tools, syntax, semantic, programming techniques and different stages
involved in a program development.
A programming
language is a language used by computers by which they understand to do what
the program users want. It is a set of codes and written symbols that provide
the platform for instructing computers to perform some specified tasks. The
process of writing a program is known as coding or programming and the person
who writes the program codes is called a programmer.
languages are classified into two categories: Low Level Language (LLL) and
High-Level Language (HLL).
1) Low-Level
Languages (LLL)
A language
that is machine dependent and/or that offers few control instructions and data
types. Each statement in a program written in low level language usually
corresponds to one machine instructions.
language can be divided into two types:
Machine language (1GL)
Assembly language (2GL)
I. Machine
The language
that is called the language of CPU and is written in binary code (composed of 0
and 1) is called Machine language. In this language, a computer can understand
every instructions given only in the form of 0 and 1. All the valid computer
operations are performed in terms of binary operation.
advantages of Machine language are:
The program written in machine language does not need any
Execution time of machine language program is extremely fast.
disadvantages of Machine language are:
Machine language is very machine dependent. The program written
for one processor cannot be run in another processor.
Programming is very complex and tedious for the programmers.
Chances of error are high while writing a program in machine
It is very difficult to debug the program written in machine
It is very time-consuming and difficult to solve complex problems
under this language.
II. Assembly
The language
in which a program is written in short codes like ADD, MUL or SUB instead of
writing instruction in a binary number (0 and 1) is called Assembly language.
An assembler converts the assembly language to the machine language to make it
understandable by computer hardware because a computer can understand the
instruction written only in binary form.
language is not a user-friendly language. This language is also very processor
dependent language. A program written for one processor does not work in
another processor. Computer viruses are mostly written in this language.
The general
of its instructions are shown below:
Comment |
A, B |
Add B to A |
Assembly language is easier to understand as compared to machine
Chances of error are less than machine language.
In assembly language, program execution time is faster than a
program written in any high-level languages.
As compared to machine language, assembly language is of a more
standard form of language.
This language is more efficient in solving hardware interfacing
It is a machine dependent language; it requires the knowledge of
hardware while writing a program.
There is one to one correspondence between the assembly language
and machine language instruction
Written in this language, a program can be very lengthy and
complex for programming.
Execution of program is slower and less efficient than machine
2) High-Level
Languages (HLL)
High level
language was developed during 1960s to make programming easier and overcome the
limitations of low level languages. Which are quite similar to human language
such as English. The 1st high-level language was developed by John Backus, in
IBM Laboratory, in 1956.
written in high-level languages are translated into machine language by a
language translator called a compiler or an interpreter.
languages are of 3 types.
They are:
Third Generation Language (3GL)
Fourth Generation Language (4GL)
Fifth generation language (5GL / Natural Language)
Generation language
Generation language is general-purpose high-level language in which the
instructions are expressed in more like English structure and mathematical. It
is also known as the Procedural Oriented language because the instructions of
language are written in step-by-step sequence of procedure. These are designed
to express the logic and the procedure of a problem. Procedural languages are
very flexible because they are able to solve a variety of problems. Examples
are: FORTAN, Pascal, C, BASIC, etc.
Easy for programming because the program instructions are quite
similar to English like structure and mathematical expressions.
It is machine independent language so; we can execute program in
any type of computers.
Very easy for modifying and finding errors.
Programmer does not require depth knowledge about internal
hardware while programming.
Program must be translated into machine code so; translation may
take extra time.
They are less user friendly because mostly they are CUI based.
Mostly they are general purpose language so, they cannot solve
complex problems.
They are less efficient languages as compared to 4GL.
Generation Language (4GL) :
generation language is specific purpose high level language in which the
instructions are expressed by using graphical components and English like
structure. It is also known as Problem oriented specific purpose language
because they are developed for solving specific types of problems such as
database problems, web-based problems, application development etc.
A programmer
can use either GUI environment or CUI environment for the programming. In this
language more powerful and efficient mathematical and logical expressions are
incorporated. Examples are: C++, Java, C#, PHP, Visual Basic, My SQL, Oracle
It is efficient and user-friendly language.
Increase the program development speed.
Reduce the chances of errors while writing programs.
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) approach helps to
developer to include powerful features into an application.
Most of the 4GL are platform independent.
Program written in 4GL requires more memory and disk storage.
Take more time to execution.
It is not suitable for solving hardware interfacing problem.
Generation Language (5GL)
generation language are still in the developing stage. It is also known as
Natural Language, such as English, Chinses, Japanese, Nepali language would be
used in computer because they computer more intelligent and user friendly. They
are mainly used in the field of Robotics, AI and expert system. The high-level
language PROLOG and LISP have been used as fifth generation
Some of its
characteristics are:
More user friendly.
Machine independent.
Make computers more intelligent and natural.
Make human and machine closer than before.
They are used in the areas of research, robotics, defense system
and different types of expert systems.
It requires more memory and more time to execute.
translator is a program which is used to translate instructions that are
written in the high-level language (source code) to Machine code (object code)
i.e. from high-level language or assembly language into machine language. There
are 3 types of language translators, they are:
1. Assembler:
Assembler is
the language translator designed to translate assembly language program (source
codes) into machine language program (object codes). The original assembly
language program codes are called source codes and after translation, the final
machine language program codes are called object codes.
2. Compiler:
A compiler is
a language translator that translates high-level languages program to machine
language program. While translating, it checks the syntax (grammar of the
source code) and translates it into object code at a single attempt. If any
error is found, the compiler produces syntax errors with causes of the errors.
The source code file must be syntax error-free for complete compilation
3. Interpreter:
interpreter is the language translator designed to translate high-level
language program into machine language program, one instruction at a time.
Unlike the compiler, it translates and executes one statement at a time before
moving to another. If any error is encountered, the translation is halted and
an error message is displayed.
between Compiler and Interpreter: (IMP)
Compiler |
Interpreter |
translates a complete high-level language program into machine language at
once. |
translates high-level language program into machine language line by line. |
It finds
the syntax errors after compiling the whole program. |
It finds
the syntax errors after translating each line of the program. |
compiling process is faster than the interpreter. |
interpreting process is slower than a compiler. |
debugging process is complicated in a compiler. |
process is easy in the interpreter. |
It creates
object code. |
It does not
create object code. |
demands more resources (memory, CPU time etc) than interpreter. |
requires low resources. |
Example: C,
C++, Visual Basic, java, etc. |
BASIC, LISP etc. |
to C Language
C programming was introduced by Denis’s rich in 1972 at 80 and TS bills
laboratory. it is popular because of its simplicity reliability and easy to
use. tablet good programming efficiency as compared to the machine-oriented
Features of C Language:
It is case sensitive language show the meaning of application
lowercase are different.
It is structured programming language that we can break large
program into different part by using function.
It has 32 keyboards.
program develop on C are easy to develop.
It includes the feature of DMA recursive and pointer.
It is the mid-level programming language in the sense of that it
combines the feature of high level with the functionality of assembly level
It is used to develop system program. program develop and C are
It is robust language.
Advantage of
C language:
C is portable language.
It is free form language show problem can start from any line and
A lot of libraries are return in she as compared to previous
programming language.
C is a building block for many other currently non languages.
C language is the fundamental programming language also known as
the mother of all other modern languages.
of C language
C does not have the concept of name space.
C does not have the concept of constructor and destructor.
it is not design or entered.
hard to run in latest operating system.
it is case sensitive language show mixing of cases make difficult
while programming.
there is no strict type checking.
Basic structure of C program
header file
main function
variable declaration
input statement
processing statement
output statement
//header file |
main() { |
function |
a,b,c; |
//variable decleration |
any two
number:\n”); |
statement |
%d”,&a,&b); |
statement |
c=a+b; |
statement |
\t”,c); |
statement |
} |
Header file:
It consist of the function definition of the library function. they are return
at the top of the program. from up the commonly used header file are:
C Processor:
The C
preprocessor is a macro processor that is used automatically by the C
compiler to transform your program before actual compilation. It is called a
macro processor because it allows you to define macros, which are brief
abbreviations for longer constructs.
C program consists of different kinds of character set and symbols
which has some special meanings. Operators are the symbols used in
between the operands
in-order to perform
some specific task
such as mathematical or logical
There are various types of operators available in C and some of
frequently used operators are:
a) Arithmetic operator
It is used to perform some basic arithmetic
operations such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication between
numbers of operands. They are:
Operator |
Name |
Example |
+ |
Addition |
a+b |
- |
Subtraction |
a-b |
* |
Multiplication |
a*b |
/ |
Division |
a/b |
% |
Modulus division |
a%b |
b) Relational operator
It is used to create a relationship
between operands i.e. they are used to compare values
of the given operands. It may provide either TRUE value
(1) or FALSE value (0), depending upon the values of the operands. The
relational operators are described in following table.
Operator |
Name |
Example |
> |
Greater than |
a > b |
< |
Less than |
a < b |
>= |
Greater than or equal to |
a >= b |
<= |
Less than or equal to |
a <= b |
= = |
Equal to |
a = = b |
!= |
Not equal to |
a != b |
c) Logical operator
It is used to create a logical relationship
between operands. These operators are used to combine two or more than two
expressions. Some logical operators are given below.
Operator |
Name |
Example |
&& |
Logical AND |
a > b && a > c |
|| |
Logical OR |
a > b || a > b |
! |
Logical NOT |
a ! b |
d) Increment / Decrement operator
The increment and decrement operators
are unary operators, which takes only one operand. The increment
operator (++) adds the value 1 to the current value of the operand and the
decrement operator (- -) subtracts the value 1 from the current value of the
operand. These operators are extensively used in loop control structures in C.
Further, the increment and decrement operator are divided into categories:
postfix and prefix increment /
decrement operator.
Postfix increment (operand ++)
Prefix increment (++operand)
Postfix decrement (operand - -)
Prefix increment (- -operand)
e) Assignment operator (=)
It is used to assign value to an
operand as well as is used to copy value of an operand to another operand.
There may be one or more operands right (after) to the assignment operator but
only one operand left (before) to the assignment operator. Let us consider:
x =
100; // value 100 is assigned to variable x
y = x; // the value of x is copied or assigned to variable y
z = x + y; // first
the value of x and y are added, then only the added value is assigned to
variable z.
100 = x;
f) Compound operator
Compound operators are combination of
arithmetic and an assignment operator. Generally, it is used to write short, concise
and more efficient codes in the program. Some compound operators and
its meanings are:
Operator |
Expression |
Meanings |
+ = |
+ =
10 |
= a + 10 |
= |
- =
10 |
= a – 10 |
= |
* =
10 |
= a * 10 |
= |
/ =
10 |
= a / 10 |
= |
% =
10 |
= a % 10 |
g) Conditional operator (? :)
Conditional operator is a ternary
operator which requires three expressions as operands. It is denoted by? and:
Syntax: test
condition? True expression: False expression
E.g. a
> b? a: b
In such expression, firstly the test
condition is evaluated, if the condition is satisfied then TRUE expression is
evaluated, otherwise FALSE expression is evaluated.
h) sizeof( ) operator
It is a unary operator. This operator
gives the size of its operand in terms of bytes occupied in the
memory. The operand can be a variable, constant or any data type: int, float,
char, etc. Example: result = sizeof(x);
Here sizeof() operator calculates the memory
space occupied by variable x and is assigned to variable result.
Control Structure
Control structure is the set of instructions
which are used to monitor, regulate or control the flow of instructions in the
program. There are three types of control structures used in C programming.
They are:
a. Sequential structure
b. Selection structure
c. Iteration structure
Sequential structure
The sequential structure consists of a
sequence of programming statements (instructions) which are executed one after
another in a linear order. In this structure, the first statement is executed
first, after completion of the statement; second statements are executed and so
on all the statements of the program are executed in their turn. The sequential
order is described in following flowchart and algorithm
Statement 1
Statement 2
Statement 3
Statement N
//Program to calculate simple interest and mixed amount
void main()
int p;
float t,r;
printf("\n Input Principal Amount:- ");
scanf("%d", &p);
printf("\n Input Time Period:- ");
printf("\n Input Rate of Interest:- ");
scanf("%f", &r);
printf("\n Simple interest = Rs %f",i);
Selection Control Structure
The decision-making structure is also called
selective structure. In this structure either certain block of
statements is executed or skipped according to the set of condition applied. In
C language there are four keywords: if, if-else, if-else if and switch-case for
selection control structure and those are discussed in following section.
a) if
It is simplest form of selection. In this
structure only single condition is applied but its alternative is not
mentioned. The block of statements associated with the if are executed in
sequential order if the given condition has been satisfied otherwise those
statements are skipped and the immediate next statements are executed. The
syntax and flowchart are shown as below.
if (test_condition)
Statement 1;
Statement 2; ……………...
Statement N;
void main()
int salary;
float bonus;
printf(“Input Salary:- );
scanf(“%d”, &salary);
printf(“Bonus = %f”, bonus);
b) if-else
If a given problem has one condition and two
alternative actions, then we can use if else statement. If the given condition
is true, statement 1 will be executed otherwise statement 2 will be executed.
if (test_condition)
Statement 1;
Statement 2;
if-else statement
An entire if else statement written with in
the body of if or else part of another if else statement is called nested if
else statement. It is used when condition is to be checked inside another
condition at a time in the same program to make decision.
if(condition 1)
if(condition 2)
} else
Statement 2;
Statement 3;
c) if-else
if……. else statement
It is used for multiple
conditions. It is also known as multi-way if else or if else ladder. If any one
condition among all of them is true then rest of all will be false. Then if all
of the given condition are not true, then the else statement will be executed.
if (contion1)
Statement 1;
else if (condtion2)
Statement 2;
else if (condition n-1)
Statement n-1;
Statement n;
d) switch
case statement
The control statement that allows
us to make a decision from a number of choices is called a switch. Switch is a
mechanism of jumping into a series of statements, the exact starting point
depending on the value of the expression. The switch expression is evaluated,
and then the flow of control jumps to the matching expression case. The case
expressions are typically numeric or character constants. If no match is found,
the statements following the default are executed.
switch(expression) {
case value 1:
Block of statements;
case value 2:
Block of statements;
case value n:
Block of statements;
default: Statement;
void main()
int choice;
printf("Input Your Choice:");
scanf("%d", &choice);
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
printf(“Invalid Choice”);
Control Structure
The mechanism which repeats some
portion of instructions either a specified numbers of times or until a certain
condition has been satisfied is called loop. This repetitive operation is done
through a loop control structure.
There are three methods through
which we can repeat a part of program. They are:
for loop
while loop
do…. while loop
for loop
It is a pre-test or entry control
loop, in which a statement or block of statements are executed for certain
number of times. A for loop allows us to specify three things about a loop in a
single line and they are:
- Loop’s initial value i.e., to set loops starting value.
- Test condition i.e., to determine the number of repetitions
- Increment or decrement value (loop update)
In this structure, the condition
is tested at first, if it is satisfied then only the block of statements
associated with the loop are executed till the given condition has been true,
otherwise those statements are skipped and the control is automatically
transferred to the next immediate statement after the loop. The syntax and
flowchart is shown as below.
for (initial value; test condition; loop update)
Statement 1;
Statement 2;
Statement N;
void main( )
int i; for(i=0; i<5; i++)
printf(“%d \t”, i);
while Loop
It is used to repeat a statement or number of statements for specified number of times or certain condition has been satisfied. The statements within the while loop gets executed till the condition remains true. When the condition becomes false, the control is passed to the first statement out of the loop. It is also known as entry control or pre-test loop because the condition is applied at the top of the loop before the control enters or passes inside the body of the loop. It will not execute its statements if the condition fails for the first time. The execution of a while loop is shown in following figure.
Initial value of loop;
while (test_condition)
Statement 1;
Statement 2;
Statement N;
Loop Update;
/*Illustration of while loop*/
void main()
int i=1;
printf("%d \t",i); i=i+1;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
do ….. while
It is also used to repeat a statement
or number of statements for specified number of times or certain condition has
been satisfied. The statement within the do-while loop gets executed till the condition
remain true. When the condition becomes false, the control is passed
to the first statement out of the loop. The minor difference between
while and do-while loop is- placement of the condition. In dowhile loop the condition
is placed at the bottom of the loop and it is tested after the statements have
been executed. This means that do-while loop will execute its statements at
least once, even if the condition fails for the first time. So, it is known as
exit control loop.
Initial value of loop;
Statement 1;
Statement 2;
Statement N;
Loop Update;
} while (test_condition);
/*Illustration of do-while loop*/
void main()
int i =1 ;
printf("%d \t",i); i=i+1;
} while(i<=10);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Loop Interruption:
Loop interruption is a process of
skipping a part of the loop or quite the loop abnormally while executing. There
are two keywords: break and continue used to interrupt the flow of a
The Break Statement:
The break statement allows us to exit a loop from any point within
its body i.e., abnormal termination of the loop. When the break statement
is encountered inside a loop, the loop is immediately terminated, and program
control is transferred to the next statement after the loop.
void main()
i<=5; i++)
\t", i);
1 2
The continue Statement:
The continue statement in C programming works
somewhat like the break statement. Instead of forcing termination, it forces
the next iteration of the loop to take place, skipping any code in between.
void main()
i<=5; i++)
\t", i);
1 2 4 5
Difference between while loop and do while
loop (imp)
while |
do while |
It is entry-controlled loop or
pre-tested loop. |
It is exit controlled loop or post tested
loop. |
It checks the condition first
then executes the loop body. |
It executes the loop body first then checks
the condition. |
It uses keyword while. |
It uses keyword do and while. |
It is not terminated by
semicolon. |
It is terminated by semicolon. |
Syntax: while (condition) { statements; } |
Syntax: do { statements } while (expression); |
Example: |
Example: |
**Example write yourself.
Nested for loop
C allows loops to be nested, that is one for
loop present inside another for loop is called nested for loop.
for(initial_value; test_condition; loop_update)
test_condition; loop_update)
Example 1:
#include<stdio.h> void main()
i, j;
i<=5; i++)
j<=i; j++)
Example 2:
void main()
i, j; for(i=1; i<=5; i++)
j>=i; j--)
5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2
5 4 3
5 4
Array and Strings
Array by definition is a variable that hold
multiple elements which has the same data type in a continuous memory location.
An array is also known as a subscripted variable.
Types of arrays:
There are two types of arrays:
One dimensional array (1D array)
Two-dimension array (2D array)
1-D Array and Declaration
In this structure arrays are stored either in
row or column i.e., either in X-direction or Y-direction. 1D array has only a
single subscript.
1-D array should be declared
before using it and we can declare an array by specifying its data type, name
and the fixed number of elements the array holds between square brackets
immediately following the array name.
Syntax: Data_type
array_name [size];
Example: int marks[5];
Note: The size of an array must be pure
positive integer value. Followings are invalid in the case of defining size of
an array.
• We
can’t use floating point.
Example: int marks[5.5]; · We can’t use characters. Example:
int marks[five];
• We can’t use any
special symbols
Example: int marks[%];
• We can’t use negative
Example: int marks[-5];
1001 |
1003 |
1005 |
1007 |
1009 |
address |
2001 |
167 |
231 |
11223 |
19803 |
Element |
Num[1] |
Num[2] |
Num[3] |
Num[4] |
Num[5] |
number |
Fig: Memory Allocation of 1-D Array
Initialization of Arrays:
If the array elements are not
given any specific values, they are supposed to contain garbage values. The
values are managed to store values in them during program execution. The
process of defining initial values to the array is known as initialization of
1-D array.
Data_type array_name [size] = {Elements}; Example:
int marks[5] = { 50, 65, 34, 45, 85};
Memory arrangement:
1001 |
1003 |
1005 |
1007 |
1009 |
address |
50 |
65 |
34 |
45 |
85 |
Element |
Num[1] |
Num[2] |
Num[3] |
Num[4] |
Num[5] |
Index number |
Fig: 1-D Array Initialization
Accessing of 1-D Array elements:
Once the array is declared, we have to access those array elements
for our requirements. Array elements are accessed with its subscript, the number
in the brackets followed in the array name i.e. through its index
number. This number specifies the elements position in the array. All
the array elements are numbered, starting with 0 and ending with size – 1,
where size is the total size of the array. Generally, a single for loop is
associated with 1-D array while entering data into an array or reading elements
from the array. This is illustrated in following program.
void main()
int i, num[5];
printf("Input any five numbers: - "); /* entering elements into an array*/
for(i=0;i<5;i++) scanf("%d", &num[i]); /*Reading elements from array and
displaying to the monitor*/
printf("%d \t",num[i]);
Multidimensional (2-D) Arrays:
The data in 2-D array are arranged in tabular form i.e., in number
of rows and columns. It consists of two subscripts in which first gives the
number of rows size and the second number gives the column size. The number of
elements that a two-dimensional array is defined as the product of row size and
column size Declaration of 2D array:
Data_type array_name [row_size][column_size];
int num[3][4];
of 2D array:
Data_type array_name [row_size][column_size] = { Elements };
int num[3][4] = {
{ 10, 12, 34, 40 },
{ 23, 21, 01, 10 },
{100, 91, 83, 49}
even we can initialize 2-D array as:
int num[3][4] = { 10, 12, 34, 40, 23, 21, 01, 10, 100, 91, 83,
Note: In case of initialization of 2-D array the order of row is optional
but the order of column is compulsory. Following initialization process is
invalid in 2-D array
int num[3][ ] = { 10, 12, 34, 40, 23, 21, 01, 10, 100, 91, 83,
int num[ ][ ] = { 10, 12, 34, 40, 23, 21, 01, 10, 100, 91, 83,
Col[0] Col[1]
Col[2] Col[3]
Col[1] |
Col[1] |
Col[1] |
Col[1] |
Row [0] |
10 |
12 |
34 |
40 |
Row [1] |
23 |
21 |
1 |
10 |
Row [2] |
100 |
91 |
83 |
49 |
Fig: Memory Arrangement of 2-D Array
Accessing of 2-D Array:
void main()
int i,j, num[10][10];
//entering the array elements to the matrix
printf("Input the elements of 3 X 3 matrixes :-
for(j=0;j<3;j++) scanf("%d", &num[i][j]);
/* Displaying the matrix*/
printf(" The Given matrix is:\n");
printf("%d \t",num[i][j]);
Input the elements of 3 X 3 matrixes: -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The Given matrix is:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Introduction to String
Collection of interrelated characters i.e. arrays of characters
are known as string. Such character arrays or string are used by
programmer in the programming language to manipulate text such as word,
sentence or paragraphs.
A string consonant is a 1-D array of characters terminated by a
null (“\0”) character. For example:
char name [ ] = { ‘C’, ‘O’, ‘M’, ‘P’, ‘U’, ‘T’, ‘E’, ‘R’, ‘\0’ };
char name [ ] = “COMPUTER”;
Each character in an array occupies 1 byte of memory space and the
last character is always the null character, which denotes the end of
character. The following figure shows the way a character array is
stored in contiguous memory locations.
1000 |
1001 |
1002 |
1003 |
C |
O |
D |
E |
Fig : Memory arrangement of string
Manipulation of string
Let us consider following program.
void main()
int i=0;
char name[]="COMPUTER"; while(i<8)
printf("%c", name[i]);
In above program we have initialized a character array, and then
we have printed the strings using while loop. This method is not very much
applicable because we can’t write the while loop without using the final value
8 i.e., we can’t determine the length of string in advance, so it is
impractical. As we know that each character array always ends with a “\0”.
Following program shows this process.
void main()
int i=0;
char name[]="COMPUTER";
Above program does not depend on the length of the string to print
the contents of the string. So it is more general than the earlier program.
Even we can refer to the elements of a character array using
printf() function ( it doesn’t print the “\0”) with %s format specifier. The
same specifier is also used to receive a string form the keyboard. This is
illustrated in following program
void main()
int i=0;
char name[20];
printf("\n Input any string :- ");
scanf("%s", name);
printf("%s", name);
Input any string: - COMPUTER
In above program a character array name[20] is declared which
reserves 20 bytes space in memory. The scanf() function accepts the
characters entered through the keyboard and stores in the array until the enter
key is pressed by the user. Once the enter key has been pressed the scanf()
function places the null character (“\0”) in the array. But the scanf()
function has limitations. i.e. scanf() function can’t receive
multiple word strings.
Such limitation is eliminated by gets() function. The working
mechanism of gets() and puts() function is illustrated in following program.
void main()
char name[50];
printf("Input your name:");
Input your name: -Galaxy
Note: gets() function: gets() function is used to scan
or read string or a line of text from a standard input device
and store it in the String variable.
puts() function: puts() function is used to write string or
a line to the output screen.
related functions
In C compiler there are many useful string manipulating library
functions. Some of the main functions are described below.
1. strlen()
This function is used to count the number of characters present in a string (including number of
spaces present in the string, excluding null character).
It takes single argument as an input.
It returns pure positive integer value.
Syntax: strlen(argument);
Example: strlen(“Computer”);
Output: 8
The use of strlen() function is illustrated in following program.
void main()
char string[50];
int length;
printf(" Input any string: ");
printf("There are %d characters in input string",
Input any string: - Galaxy Secondary School
There are 23 characters in input string
2. strcpy()
This function is used to copy the contents of one string to
another string.
It takes two arguments. The base address of the source string
(from which we want to copy) and the destination string (into which we want to
copy) is supplied to this function.
It returns the array of characters.
Syntax: strcpy(destination,
Example: strcpy(string,
Output: Computer
The use of strcpy() function is illustrated in following program.
void main()
char source_string[50], target_string[50];
printf("Input any string:");
strcpy(target_string, source_string);
printf("\n The source string is %s", source_string);
printf("\n The Copied string is %s", target_string);
3. strcmp()
This function is used to compare two strings to find whether they
are identical or not.
It takes two arguments.
two strings are compared character by character (i.e. the
first character of the first string is
compared to the first character of second string, if it matches then the second
character of the first string is compared with the second character of the
second string and so on) until the end of one of the strings is reached or
until there is a mismatch between the strings, whichever comes first. The
function returns an integer value.
The function returns a zero value when both strings are identical otherwise it returns numeric
difference between the ASCII values of the first non-matching pair of
Syntax: strcmp(text1,
Example: strcmp(“Computer”,
Output: 0
The use of strcmp() function is illustrated in following program.
void main()
char text1[50],text2[50];
int difference;
printf("Input first string:");
printf("Input second string:");
printf("Both strings are identical");
else printf("Both strings are non-identical");
4. strlwr()
This function is used to convert any upper-case text of a string
into its equivalent lower case.
It takes only one argument as an input.
It returns single argument into its equivalent lower case.
Syntax: strlwr(argument);
Example: strlwr(“COMPUTER”);
Output: computer
The use of strlwr() function is illustrated in following program.
void main()
char string[50];
printf("Input any string:");
printf("The lower case is %s", string);
5. strupr()
This function is used to convert any lower-case text of a string
into its equivalent upper-case text.
It takes only one argument as an input.
It returns single argument into its equivalent upper case.
Syntax: strupr(argument);
Example: strupr(“computer”);
The use of strupr() function is illustrated in following program.
void main()
char string[50];
printf("Input any string:");
printf("The upper case is %s",string);
6. strcat()
This function is used to concatenate the source string at the end
of the target string (without space between source and destination string).
It takes two arguments.
It returns a concatenated string.
Syntax: strcat(argument1,argument2);
Example: strcat(“Computer”,
Output: ComputerScience
The use of strcat() function is illustrated in following program.
void main()
char string1[50], string2[20];
printf("Input First string: "); gets(string1);
printf("Input Second string:"); gets(string2);
printf("The complete string is %s",string1);
7. strrev()
This function is used to reverse the characters in the string.
It also takes one argument
It returns single argument is reverse of the given string.
Syntax: strrev(argument);
Example: strrev(“Computer”);
Output: retupmoC
The use of strrev() function is illustrated in following program.
void main()
char string[50];
printf("Input any string: - ");
gets(string); strrev(string);
printf("The reverse string is %s", string);