
Essay on Digital payment method in Nepal

Digital payment methods have become an integral part of our lives in recent years, and Nepal is no exception to this trend. With the increasing u…

Essay on Global Warming [2022]

Essay on: Marathon

Marathon M arathon (sport), running event, traditionally the longest race (42 km, 195 m26 mi, 385 yd) included in track and field competitions. It …

Essay on: Cash Crops in Nepal

Cash Crops in Nepal I n agricultural cultivation, the farmers generally grow two kinds of crops. They are food crops and cash crops. The crops whic…

Essay On: Computer Has Become A Part of Life

Computer Has Become A Part of Life C omputer study deals with the features of computers, their uses limitations, variations and how the computers a…

Essay on: The Doctor

Essay On : The socio cultural importance of Dashain

“The socio-cultural importance of Dashain” D ashain is the biggest festival that Nepal Observe every year a wonderful socio-cultural celebration th…

Essay on: Rivers in Nepal

Rivers in Nepal M oving mass of water which flows from high land to low land is called river. Rivers begin or rise to flow from mountains or lakes.…


TEACHER'S DAY O ne day every year, we celebrate Teachers' Day in honor of the teachers who spend so much time teaching us so many things.…


Essay on My Family

Essay on: A FLOOD

How can we as individuals become more healthy?


Essay on A Classless Society | Nepali Educate

A Classless Society - Nepali Educate A Classless Society W hichever country one goes to there ar…

Essay on Nuclear Energy : Nepali Educate

Essay on "The importance of Reading" : Nepali Educate

The Importance of Reading The Importance of Reading A person who wears blinkers cannot grow and be independent. He can only be led. Edu…

Esaay on Democracy : Nepali Educate

Essay On The Importance of forests : Nepali Educate

Essay on The Importance of Water : Nepali Educate

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