Welcome to Nepali Educate

where education meets innovation. Nepali Educate Leading the way to empower minds and transform futures.

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  • Interactive Learning Modules
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  • Real-Time Online Compiler
  • IOE Fast Track Preparation
  • AI-Powered Learning Assistance
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Grade 12 Notes

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Notes and PDFs
200+ Past Year
Question papers
Exam Question Solution
Syllabus and Model Sets

Our Features

  • Curriculum Tailored Content

    We tailor our content to match the curriculum of Grade 11 and Grade 12 students in Nepal, ensuring that it is relevant and meets their academic requirements.

  • Wide Subject Coverage

    Our website covers a wide range of subjects in both science and management streams, including Physics, Chemistry, Nepali, English, Economics, and more, providing students with resources for all their subjects in one place.

  • Regular Updates

    We regularly update our content and resources, ensuring that students are equipped with the latest information relevant to their studies.

  • Free Access

    All our resources are available for free, making quality education accessible to students from all backgrounds.

  • YouTube Channel Integration

    Our associated YouTube channel complements the website by providing video lessons, tutorials, and additional educational content.

  • Career Guidance

    We offer insights into different career paths, helping students make informed decisions about their future.

Latest Posts

Class 12 Social Studies Unit 3 Exercise Solutions in Nepali | NEB Grade 12

Class 12 Social Studies Unit 3 Exercise Solutions in Nepali | NEB Grade 12 …

Latest IOE Cutoff Ranks 2080: Pulchowk, WRC, ERC, Thapathali, Chitwan | Institute of Engineering Admissions Data

Latest IOE Cutoff Ranks 2080: Pulchowk, WRC, ERC, Thapathali, Chitwan | Institute of Engineering Admissions Data …

Dynamics Class 11 Physics | NEB Curriculum | Nepali Educate

Dynamics Class 11 Physics | NEB Curriculum | Nepali Educate …

Vectors Class 11 Physics | NEB Curriculum | Nepali Educate

Vectors Class 11 Physics | NEB Curriculum | Nepali Ed…

Kinematics Class 11 Physics | NEB Curriculum | Nepali Educate

Kinematics Class 11 Physics | NEB Curriculum | Nepali…

Physical Quantities Class 11 Physics | NEB Curriculum | Nepali Educate

Physical Quantities in Class 11 Physics | NEB Curriculum | Nepali Educate …

Common questions

What is Nepali Educate?

Nepali Educate is an online platform dedicated to providing educational resources, support, and information for students, parents, and educators in Nepal.

What services does Nepali Educate offer?

Nepali Educate offers a range of services, including educational articles, exam preparation resources, career guidance, and information about educational institutions in Nepal.

How can I access the resources on Nepali Educate?

All resources on Nepali Educate are accessible through the website. Simply visit the website and explore the various sections, including articles, exam tips, and career guidance.

Are the resources on Nepali Educate free?

Yes, the majority of the resources on Nepali Educate are available for free. However, there might be some premium or additional services that require a subscription or payment.

How can I contribute to Nepali Educate?

Nepali Educate welcomes contributions from educators, professionals, and students. If you have valuable insights, educational content, or resources to share, you can contact us through the website for contribution opportunities.

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