A person Who has been licensed to practice medicines is doctor. And the one is doctor who examines us when we are unwell and suffering. Doctors bring relief to the sick people. The doctor decreases the pain of the disease to the patient. Without doctors the sufferer would continue to suffer and would die ultimately. So, the doctors are the very important for the community, society and for the nation too.
Doctors are of the several fields and subjects. The doctor who cures the skin disease is known as dermatologist. The doctor who cures the diseases belonging to the ladies or during pregnancy period is known as gynecologist. Eye specialist is called ophthalmologist. One who operates our body Scissoring is known as surgeon. Besides these fields others so many fields belong to the doctors. Doctor is a very busy man. He works day and night. As Florence Nightingale, the lady with a lamp worked day and night to a view of selflessness among the wounded soldiers.
Doctors are generally employed in the hospitals and they also run the private clinic and clinical treatment process, but they charge high fees in their private clinics beyond our paying capacity. In the hospitals, patients are always waiting for him. Doctor examines the one at a time. Doctor is identified with a stethoscope which s/he carries around the neck. With the help of the stethoscope he examines the chests of the patients and he finds out the diseases with which they are suffering from. After getting them examined, the doctor thoroughly writes the medicines on a page which the patient needs. The writing sheet of the paper is called prescription. Doctors also suggest and deliver advices to the patients about the food they should and shouldn't eat. Doctors also make sincere to the patients about the precautions that they should take and follow.
It is said that the voice of the doctors decreases fifty percent of the pain of disease. So a good doctor should be good and sweet tempered.He knows that the patient is ill and about his health so he deals with them very smoothly. Doctor always does the best for the sick as he is sympathetic and kind enough.
are always demanded. Nepal is still facing lack of proper numbers of doctors. On
the other hand, many medical colleges have been opened. From this we can hope
that the doctors are being turned out in a lager numbers. Public hospitals are
still filled with a crowd of indoor and outdoor patients. It shows that the
shortage of the doctors is still there. According to the doctors, they feel
very pleased when the patients they treated return back to home on their own
feet. On the other hand, the patients feel fear to death as they get to the
hospital either they return back to home or not. But the doctors always try their
best to send them back to home.