Unit 6: Web Technology I Class 12 Computer Notes | Based On New Syllabus

Chapter 6

Web Technology I

Introduction to HTML

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, is the standard markup language for creating web pages. HTML describes the structure of the web page and consists of series of elements. HTML element tells the browser how to display the content.


Features of HTML

·       It is platform independent.

·       It is easy to use and easy to learn.

·       It is a markup language.

·       Hypertext can be added to text.

·       Images, videos and audio can be added to a web page.

·       It can display data in a tabular format.

·       Create multiple windows in a web page to display information from multiple sources in different windows.

·       Enhance the presentation of the document using HTML elements.

·       It can be integrated with other languages like CSS and Javascript.

·       It is supported by all browsers.


Types of Tags

HTML is written in the form of tags. A tag is a string in the language enclosed by pair of angular brackets i.e. <tag_name>. A tag has three sections: name of the tag, attributes of the tag and attribute value.

Mainly there are two types of tag they are:

1.     Single tag:

The types of tag do not have ending tag and it is also known as empty tag. Example: <BR>, <HR>, <img>, etc have no ending tag.

2.     Pair tag:

These tags have both starting and ending tags. An ending tag begins with slash (/). Examples: <HTML>, <BODY>, <FONT>, <TABLE> etc have both starting and ending tags.


Basic Structure of HTML

Basic structure of HTML consists of head and body. A head consist title general information about the page and body contains the matter that should be displayed on the web page.

Moreover comment is written anywhere in the html file and the tag <!--          --> is used for comments. Comments have no effects in HTML codes.


<! - - Write your comment here - ->



<title>First web page</title>









Attributes of <body>


Description of the attribute


Sets the background color, you can use the color name or color code


Sets the background picture you can give picture name with extension


Color of the hyperlink when it is clicked you can use the color name or color code


Color of the hyperlink before clicking you can use the color name or color code


Defines the text color in your web page you can use the color name or color code


Sets top margin of the page


Sets bottom margin of the page


Color code

The format of color code is “#rrggbb” where rr defines the value of red, gg defines the value of green and bb defines the value or blue. The value for each color ranges from 00 to FF in hexadecimal number system. Color code 00 has least intensity and ff has highest intensity of color.

Red   #ff0000 Green  #00ff00 Blue   #0000ff

Note: Similarly in this way we can generate more than 16 million different colors.



You can set different format of pictures in html documents but most common formats are: jpg, gif, bmp, etc.

<body background=”url / image name with extension”>


Meta Tag

The <meta> metadata tag is placed inside head tags. It defines the description of the page, author of the page, keywords through which search engine can find the page. <! - - This is an example of meta tag - ->



<title>meta tag</title>

<meta name=”author” content=”xyz”>

<meta name=”keywords” content=”html, tag, web, internet, etc”>



You can type your text here…..




Character Formatting

The text or characters formatting can be performed by using different tags such as general formatting tags, font, paragraphs, headings, preformatted tags, etc.

General Text Formatting



Description of tags


<b>Bold Text </b>

Makes text bold.


<i>Italic Text </i>

Makes text italic.


<u>Italic Text </u>

Makes text underline.

<s> or <strike>

<s>Strike though Text </s>

Makes text strike through



Makes text sub script. H2O



Makes text super script. Ex: a2

Note: <br> tag is used for line break and it has no ending tag.


Paragraph and Font

The tag <p> defines paragraph and it has one attribute align. The <font> tag is used for applying font color, font face and font size.



Attributes of tag


<p align=”left/right/center”> ……. </p>



<font size=”N” color=”color name/code” face=”font name> ………………….. </font>

Size=1 to 7

Color=”color name” or ”color code

Face=”font name”


There are 6 heading tags in HTML starting from <h1> to <h6>. The size of heading decreases from h1 to h6.






<p> Examples of Headings. </p>

<h1> Heading 1</h1>

<h2> Heading 2</h2>

<h3> Heading 3</h3>

<h4> Heading 4</h4>

<h5> Heading 5</h5>

<h6> Heading 6</h6>




Horizontal Rule

It produces a line across the page, but it does not have end tag.



Attributes of tag


<hr size=”N” width=”N/percentage” align=”left/right/center”>

Size=N (in pixels)

Width=N(pixels/percentage) Align=”left/right/center”


Preformatted Tag

The <pre> formatted tag gives the exact output according to the format that we have given inside the tags.






<hr size=”4” width=”80%” align=”center”> 


To The Principal

Galaxy Secondary School

Dhangadhi 5 Hasanpur

                        Subject: To whom it may concern

Dear Sir,








It helps to animate text or picture in different directions with different behaviors.



Attributes of tag


<marquee> Welcome at Galaxy Secondary School


direction=left/right/up/down behavior=scroll/slide/alternate scrollamount=n (in pixels) width= n (in pixels or percentage) loop= n times or “infinite”

bgcolor=color or color_code




</head> <body>

<marquee direction=”right” behavior=”scroll” scrollamount=”5” loop=”infinite” bgcolor=”yellow”> <font size=”7” color=”green”>Galaxy Secondary School</font>





Create Ordered and Unordered List

Ordered List

An ordered list defines a list of items using number or character. The <ol> tag defines ordered list. The sub tag <li> is used with <ol> tag to list data items.



Attribute of the tag



<ol type=”1/A/a/i”> …… </ol>

<li> data items </li>


Start=N (Number)




<title>Order List</title>



<h2>Input Devices</h2>

<ol type=1>









Unordered List

An unordered list makes a bulleted list item. The tag defines unordered list. The sub tag is used with tag to list data items.



Attribute of the tag



<ul type=”1/A/a/i”> ….. </ul>

<li> data items </li>





<title>Unorder List</title>



<h2>Input Devices</h2>

<ul type=disc>









Special Characters

The following codes are used to generate the characters given below:




One space


One space






Less than



Greater than



Copyright symbol



Registered trade mark



Greek micro sign



Plus minus symbol


Insert Image

The <img> tag is used to insert image in the web page. It has no ending tag. The attributes of <img> tag are:


Description of the attribute

src=”url/picture file name with path”

URL or path of image source file.


Height of image in pixels


Width of image in pixels


Image border in pixels


Image alignment


Comments on the picture area while mouse over


Display alternate text while error in path of the picture file.



<title>Insert Image</title>

</head> <body>

<img src=”image1.jpg” height=”200” width=”300” border=”10” alt=”Image of flower” title=”Beautiful flower”> </body>



Insert video and audio

HTML <video> Element

The HTML <video> element is used to show video on web page.



Attributes of the tag



<video height=”Number” width=”Number” controls> ………….. </video>



Controls adds video controls like play, pause, etc.


<source src=”url of video” type=”video formats”>


type=”video formats”

The text between the <video> and </video> tags will only be displayed in browser that do not support the <video> element.




<title>add video on web page</title>



<video width=”320” height=”240” controls> <source src=”movie.mp4” type=”video/mp4”> Browser does not support the video tag.





HTML <audio> Element

The HTML <video> element is used to show video on web page.



Attributes of the tag



<audio controls> ………….. </audio>

Controls adds video controls like play, pause, etc.


<source src=”url of audio” type=”audio formats”>


type=”audio formats”

The text between the <audio> and </audio> tags will only be displayed in browser that do not support the <audio> element.




<title>add audio on web page</title>



<audio controls>

<source src=”music.mp3” type=”audio/mpeg”> Browser does not support the audio tag.





Create hyperlink

A hyperlink is a link between two pages. User can navigate different pages through these hyperlinks. The anchor tab <a> defines the hyperlink. The attribute href (hyperlink reference) takes file name with path or URL of web page. Mainly, two types of hyperlinks are used in HTML: Internal hyperlink that helps to create link within a page and the External hyperlink that helps to create link from one page to another page.



Attributes of the tag


<a href=”filename”>Text or Picture</a>

<a href=”mailto:xyz@gmail.com”>email to xyz</a>

<a href=”http://www.google.com”>Google</a>


href=file name or URL






<h2>Galaxy Secondary School</h2>

<a href=”index.html”>About Us</a>

<p> For more information please go www.google.com </p>

<a href=”http://www.google.com”>Click for google</a>

<p> For more information please visit our site</p>

<a href=”www.galaxydhangadhi.edu.np”>Visit Our Site</a> 

<p> Contact Us</p>

<a href=”xyz@gmail.com”>Email to xyz</a> 

<p> Photo Gallery</p>

<a href=”gallery.html”><img src=”image1.jpg” height=”100” width=”100”></a>  </body>



Create Table

The table is very useful tools to arrange information in a web page. The <table> tag is used for defining a table. A table has main three sub tags: table row <tr>, table header <th> and table data <td>. 

<caption> tag can be used for providing header for table.


Description of the attribute

border=N (in pixels)

Size of table border


Border color of table

cellspacing= N

Defines distance between cell’s borders in a table

cellpadding= N

Distance between cells content and cell border

width= N

Defines table width and row width in pixels or N%

height= N

Defines height of table or row height in pixels

colspan= N

Number of cells to be merged column wise in a row

rowspan= N

Number of cells to be merged row wise in a column


Table or row background color


Defines alignment in a table or row

Example 1



<title> Table </title>



<table border="2" width="500" height="250">

<caption><h2><u><font color="Purple">Curriculum for +2</font></u></h2></caption>



<th colspan="4" bgcolor="grey"><h2>Galaxy Secondary School</h2></th> </tr>


<th colspan="4" bgcolor="blue">Faculty</th>



<tr bgcolor="red">

<th colspan="2" >Science</th>

<th colspan="2">Management</th>



<tr bgcolor="green">

<th>Class XI</th>

<th>Class XII</th>

<th>Class XI</th>

<th>Class XII</th>


<tr bgcolor="yellow">







<tr bgcolor="yellow">







<tr bgcolor="yellow">







<tr bgcolor="yellow">







<tr bgcolor="yellow">












Example 2 table using CSS:



<title> Table </title>


table, tr,th,td {

 border: 2px solid black;









<table width="500" height="250">

<caption><h2><u><font color="Purple">Curriculum for +2</font></u></h2></caption>


<th colspan="4" bgcolor="grey"><h2>Galaxy Secondary School</h2></th>



<th colspan="4" bgcolor="blue">Faculty</th>


<tr bgcolor="red">

<th colspan="2" >Science</th>

<th colspan="2">Management</th>


<tr bgcolor="green">

<th>Class XI</th>

<th>Class XII</th>

<th>Class XI</th>

<th>Class XII</th>





































Design Form

A form is interface in web page for entering data. A form has many elements depends on input data types. These elements have different attributes. The <form> tag defines the form option. The <input> tag defines the input form field.


Descriptions of the attribute


Takes URL that defines where to send the form data when the submit button is clicked


Defines the HTTP method: get or post


Type of form element or form field


Unique name for the field value


Default value of the field


Defines Boolean values: true/false


Size of a form field in terms of number of characters


Maximum length of characters in a field


Defines Boolean values


Number of characters in row for text area field


Number of characters in column for text area field


Text Box

You can enter text or number in a text box. The <INPUT type=”text”> tag is placed inside <FORM> tag to create a text box. The <FORM> tag is used inside <BODY> tag.



<title> Text Box </title>



<form action=”test.html” method=”post”>

Name: <input type=”text” name=”name”> <br>

Address: <input type=”text” name=”add” size=20 maxlength=30> <br>

Country: <input type=”text” name=”country”> <br>

E-mail: <input type=”text” name=”email”> <br>





Radio Button

Radio button is used for selecting a single option from multiple choices. The <INPUT type=”radio”> tag is used for creating a radio button.



<title> Radio buttons </title>




Marital Status: <input type="radio" name="r1" checked=true >Married

                           <input type="radio" name="r1">Unmarried <br>

Gender: <input type="radio" name="r2" value="male" checked=true>Male

              <input type="radio" name="r2" value="female">Female





Check Box

Check box allows users to select multiple choice options. The <input type=”checkbox”> tag is used for creating a check box.



<title> Check Box </title>



<form >

Hobbies: <br>  <input type="checkbox" name="c1" checked=true >Study <br>

                           <input type="checkbox" name="c2" checked= true>Movies <br>

                           <input type="checkbox" name="c3" checked= true>Music <br>

                           <input type="checkbox" name="c4" checked= true>Travels





Select List

Select list provides user to select option from the given list of items. The <SELECT size=1> tag is used to create list box, where size defines the number of items visible at a time. The sub tag <OPTION> defines the value items of the list.



<title> Text Box </title>




Country: <select size="1">

            <option> Nepal</option>

            <option> India</option>

            <option> China</option>

            <option> Japan</option>






Text Area

Text area allows user to type multiple lines of text in a form. The <TEXTAREA> tag is used to define text area. It has two attributes. Rows define number of characters in row and cols define the number of characters in columns.



<title> Text Area </title>




Remarks: <br> <textarea rows=5 cols=20></textarea>





Password Box

Password box allows user to enter password. It displays asterisks (*) while typing. The <INPUT type=”password”> tag is used for creating a password box.



<title> Password Box </title>



<form action=”test.html” method=”post”>

Password: <input type=”password” size=10 maxlength=8>





File Browser

File browser helps to browse a file from the computer and attach the file to the form. The <INPUT type=”file”> tag is used for creating a file browser box.



<title> File Browser </title>




Select File: <input type=”file” size=20 maxlength=40>





Command Button

Command button helps to perform any action inside form. The <INPUT type=”button”> tag is used to create button.



<title> Command Button </title>



<form action="test.html" method="post">

Click OK: <input type="button" value="OK">





Submit and Reset Buttons

Submit button provides user to submit the entire form contents. The <INPUT type=”submit”> tag is used to create submit button.



<title> Create submit and reset button </title>



<form action="test.html" method="post">

Send Form: <input type="submit" value="send"> <br>

For Clear Form: <input type="reset" value="Clear">






Frame provides the facilities to divide a window into many sections. In each section you can add html page, hence multiple pages can be displayed in one window. The <FRAMESET> tag defines frames with attributes cols and rows. The cols defines the column of a frame in percentage with respect to the window. The rows defines the row of a frame in percentage with respect to the window. The <FRAME> tag helps to insert the html file with the help of src attribute. The src attribute takes a html file with extension. The <FRAMESET> should not contain <BODY>. Body contains only one page but frame contains multiple pages, which divides screen into many parts. Example 1: Divides a window vertically (column wise) into two sections.





            <frameset cols=”50%, 50%”>

<frame src=”demo1.html”>

<frame src=”demo2.html”>




Example 2: Divides a window horizontally (row wise) into two sections. <html>




            <frameset rows=”70%, 30%”>

<frame src=”demo1.html”>

<frame src=”demo2.html”>




Example 3: Divides a window horizontally (row wise) as well as vertically (column wise) into multiple sections.



<title>Nested FRAMESET</title>


            <frameset rows=”20%, *”>

<frame src=”demo1.html”>

<frameset cols=”50%, *”>

<frame src=”demo2.html”>

<frame src=”demo3.html”>





Concept of CSS and Script

You can embed different effects in web page file. These effects include paragraph, font, heading, background, table and other different interactive effects. Such effects are called dynamic effects. There are two methods for embedding such effects. First method is using CSS and the second method is using scripts.


Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)

Cascading style sheet is a text file which contains set of rules for determining how information in a web page should be displayed. In another words, it is an effect which can be embedded inside HTML file to make easy and standard formatting and styles of a web page. Mostly such effects are embedded into <HEAD> tags. CSS is case sensitive. The general syntax for CSS is as follows: Element [property1:value1; property2:value2;  property3:value3;  ……..] Where Element is a tag of HTML, properties are the attributes for the tag.


Some common styles and their properties are as follows:

Font Style: For changing font attributes


Description of the attributes

font-size:N points

Changing size of the font in points


Changing the font as italic or normal


Changing the font name like arial, times new roman, Calibri, algerian


Changing the font color


Paragraph Style: For Changing paragraph attributes


Descriptions of the attributes

background-color:color name/color code

Defines paragraph background color 

background-image: URL for image file

Defines paragraph background image

border-style: none/solid/double/dotted/dashed

Defines paragraph border

border-color: color name/color code

Defines Paragraph border color

border-width: N (Pixel)

Defines paragraph border width in pixel

Text Style: For changing text attributes


Descriptions of the attribute


Change the text decorations

line-height: N points

Defines the height of lines as like line spacing


Defines uppercase, lowercase


There are four ways to embed CSS in HTML document: (IMP)

1.    Inline Style

Inline style is very simple method of style web page. In this method style for HTML elements is specified using its style attribute.



<title> Inline Style </title>

</head> <body>

<h1 style=”font-size:100pt; color:green; text-decoration:underline; font-family:arial”>Galaxy Secondary School</h1>




2.    Embedded Style

Embedded style sheet is created by using tag <style> inside <head> element of HTML document. <html>


<title> Embedded Style Sheet </title>

<style> p {

            font-size: 20 pt;         color:purple;  background-color:red;         border-style:solid;






<p>Galaxy Secondary School</p>




3.    Class Style

Class style is more flexible method of defining style sheet. A dot (.) operator is used to define a class. Its attributes are defined within curly braces. You can use this class style as an external style sheet or as an embedded style sheet. It is accessible inside class using the following syntax: <tag class=”class_name”> ……………. </tag>



<title> Class Style </title>


.x1{font-size:50pt; color:green; font-family:arial;}

.x2{font-size:100pt; color:red; text-transform:uppercase;}




<p class=”x1”>Galaxy Secondary School</p>

<h1 class=”x2”>Dhangadhi 5 Hasanpur</h1>




4.    External Style

An external style sheet is a separate HTML document file with extension .css, the css file contains css rules which are linked to the HTML file by using the following code in <head> section. <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”file_name.css”>


Here we have to create two separate file one for css with extension .css and another HTML file with extension .html. In this example we store both files in same folder.

demo.css (CSS file)

.c1{font-size:100; color: red; font-family:arial;}

.c2{font-size:70; color: green; font-family:calibri;}

.c3{font-size:50; color: yellow; font-family:algerian;}


Index.html (HTML file)



<title> External Style Sheet</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="demo.css">



<p class="c1">Galaxy Secondary School</p>

<h1 class="c2"> Galaxy Secondary School </h1>

<div class="c3">Galaxy Secondary School</div>




Scripting Concept

As HTML is simple markup language for developing web documents. Such web document contents static in nature they do not respond to the user. In order to solve dynamic nature of problems, scientist developed scripting language. A scripting language is a kind of web-based programming language for solving web related problems. Scripting language cannot independently execute and it is embedded inside HTML tags.

Mainly there are two types of scripting languages: Client site scripting languages and Server site scripting languages. Client site scripting languages execute in client site browser as per the user’s respond. Examples: JavaScript, VB script etc. the server site scripting languages execute in web server and they allow HTML document to link to the servers. Examples: ASP, PHP, JSP, etc. 

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