Calculate the percentage of anhydrous sodium carbonate in the sample if a solution containing 2.5 g sodium carbonate sample is neutralized completely by 55 cc of N/2 HCL.

Solution: Given, Weight of Sodium Carbonate= 2.5gm Volume of HCL(V) = 55ml Normality of HCL (N) = $\frac{1}{2}$N=0.5N So, Purity Percentage = $\frac{…

During beta decay electron got ejected from nucleus of atom, does this violate Heisenberg principle that tells no electron exists in nucleus.

No, beta decay does not violate the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know both …

A bus has 4 seats for passengers. Those willing to pay first class fares can take 60 kg of baggage each, but tourist class passengers are restricted to 20kg each. If 120 kg can be carried altogether. Find the number of passengers of each kind by using determinants.

A bus has 4 seats for passengers. Those willing to pay first class fares can take 60 kg of baggage each, but tourist class passengers are restricted …

Cesium-137 (55Cs137) radioactive byproduct from fission nuclear power station. It has a life half-life of 30 years and emits β- radiations.

Calculate the following reaction equation by entering the appropriate number in the boxes 55 Cs 137 → x Ba x + x β x …

Show that the motion of the pendulum is simple harmonic and hence calculate its time period.


X is an ore of a metal M. X on calcination gives black precipitate (W) of metal oxide which belongs to group II of basic radicals in qualitative analysis.

(a) Define r.m.s. value of AC.
The variation with time t of the sinusoidal current I in a resistor of resistance 450Ω is shown in figure.
Use data from the Figure to determine, for the time t = 0 to t =30ms.
(b) The Frequency of the current.
(c) The mean current.
(d) The root-mean-square current.
(e) The energy dissipated by the resistor.

In certain thermocouple, the thermos emf is given by E = λθ + $\frac{1}{2} $ βθ2, where θ is the temperature of hot junction, λ = 10µV(0C)-1 and β = -0.05µV(0C)-2. If the cold junction temperature is 00C. Find the neutral temperature.

Your Page Title Solution: At Neutral temperature, Thermo-EMF us maximum. $\frac{dE}{dθ…

Differentiate $y = \frac{{x\sqrt {{a^2} - {x^2}} }}{2} + \frac{{{a^2}}}{2}{\sin ^{ - 1}}\frac{x}{a}$ with respect to x, Integrate the result so obtained. Compare the two results and draw conclusion from your results.

Write a C program to write and read symbol number, name and percentage of any 10 students to/from data file "students.txt".

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct student { int symbol_number; char name[50]; float percentage; }; int main() {…

Difference between for loop and while loop in C. | NEB Board Exam Class 12

Major Difference for loop while loop for (initialization; condition; increment/decrement) { statement(s); } …

In the given graph aside, What does the slope of the curve gives? Find the value of A. Find the Value of B.

In the given graph aside, What does the slope of the curve give? Find the value of A. Find the Value of B.

Write a C program to input roll, name and age of n no of students and display them properly using structure.

Question collected from Telegram Group #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX_STUDENTS 100 struct student { int roll; …

Prove by induction: $2^1+2^2+2^3+........+2^n=2(2^n−1)$

Question Collected from Telegram Group.

A microscope is focused on a scratch on the bottom of a beaker. Turpentine is poured into the beaker to a depth of 4 cm, and it is found necessary to raise the microscope through a vertical distance of 1.25 cm to bring the scratch again into focus. Find the refractive index of turpentine.

Question Collected from Telegram Group.

A radioactive source has decayed to one tenth of one percent of its initial activity in one hundred days. What is its half-life period?

In a Young's slits experiment the separation of first to fifth fringes is 2.5 mm when the wave length used is 620 nm. The distance from the slits to the screen is 80 cm. Calculate the separation of two slits.

Question: Solution: The wavelength of light (λ)\(=6.2\times10^{-7}=6.2\times10^{-7}m\), Distance between the slits and screen (D) =…

Write down isomers of $C_3H_6O$ with their IUPAC names. How Would you distinguish them. Write the chemical reaction for it. Which isomer gives lactic acid? Write the chemical reaction for it.

Solution: There are two isomers of $C_3H_6O$. They are: Propanal and Propanone To distinguish these isomers, we can take Tollen's Test into accou…

(a) Distinguish between equivalence point and End point. (b) You are given 500cm3 of a solution of 0.15N H2SO4 solution. Determine: (i) How much water must be added to the solution to make its semi-normal? (ii) Calculate the molarity of H2SO4?

Prove by method of induction, 1.3+3.5+5.7+...........+(2n−1)(2n+1)=$\frac{{n(4{n^2} + 6n - 1)}}{3}$

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